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Public Participation Plan - Number of Councillors

This Public Participation Plan aims to engage the community as Council considers whether to adjust the number of Councillors representing the Town effective the 2025 General Municipal Election. This review is an important part of ensuring that local governance remains effective, representative, and aligned with the needs and interests of residents. Through this plan, Council seeks to gather feedback from the public on this issue. The insights and perspectives shared by community members will help inform Council's decision-making process. The Public Participation Plan can be found here

Adjusting the size of Council can have significant implications for residents, affecting how well their interests are represented, how accessible their elected officials are, and how efficiently decisions are made. By engaging in this process, residents will have the opportunity to share their views and help shape the structure of local government. Their input is essential to ensure Council remains responsive, transparent, and in tune with the community's needs. This plan aims to create an open dialogue, allowing residents to voice their thoughts and concerns on an issue that directly impacts how they are represented at the municipal level.

Residents are invited to a Public Meeting to discuss the Public Participation Plan and provide their feedback:

Date:  Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Time:  6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location:  Three Hills Community Centre (Lodge Room)

For more information about the Public Participation Plan, please visit here.

The Online Survey can be completed here. Paper copies of the survey will also be available at the Public Meeting and at the Town Office at 232 Main Street, Three Hills, Alberta. 

If you would like to submit a paper copy of the survey, please submit it in person to the Town Office or by email to by December 13, 2024.

The results of the survey will be published in a report for Council at the December 23, 2024 Special Meeting of Council and will be posted on our website after that time.

The Town of Three Hills would like to thank the residents for sharing your views and taking the time to participate in this important process.