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Election 2025

In Alberta, municipal elections are held every four years, at which time, residents elect one Mayor and four Councillors to a four-year term.

In Three Hills, the Mayor and Councillors are elected at-large. This means that they represent the entire community, rather than a geographical ward, like a county or large city.  

Elections are held in accordance with the provincial Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA). The current Council was officially elected in the General Election held on October 18, 2021, and began their term on October 25, 2021.

Important Dates

  • Nomination Period: January 1 to September 22, 2025
  • Nomination Day (last opportunity to file nominations): September 22 at 12 PM 
  • Advance voting: TBD
  • Election day: October 20, 2025 - Voting Hours: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Please Note

  • The following election material is provided for information only.
  • This summary is not intended to replace the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand the prescribed legislation, or to seek appropriate advice from professionals as required.
  • Each candidate is responsible for ensuring their campaign complies with all official statutes and regulations.
  • We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, in the event of any discrepancy between this website and the official election authority, the information from the election authority should be considered correct.

For more information:

Kate Forest, Returning Officer
Town of Three Hills

Phone: (403) 443-5822

Voter Information

New for 2025: With the proclamation of the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 20), municipalities are required to maintain a Permanent Electors Register of residents who are eligible to vote. Any individual who wishes to vote on Election Day must first be registered.

To vote in the 2025 municipal election, you must be: 

  • At least 18 years old;
  • A Canadian citizen, and
  • A resident of Three Hills on the day that you vote. 

To be ready to vote, please register and/or confirm your information is correct with Voterlink prior to September 15, 2025. 

You may also register:

By Phone: 
(780) 427-7191 or toll free at
310-0000 then dial 
(780) 427-7191

By Email: 

Voterlink and the Town will share information required for the Permanent Electors Register as per the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) section 49. The information collected may only be used to verify an elector's identification when compiling or revising the Permanent Electors Register.

Are you Qualified to Run as a Municipal Election Candidate?

Sections 21 to 23 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) outline the eligibility requirements for municipal candidates and list conditions for disqualification.

To become a Candidate, you must be:

  • 18 years of age on nomination day;
  • a Canadian citizen;
  • a resident of Three Hills for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day; and
  • not be otherwise ineligible or disqualified.

Nomination Documents

For the candidate’s nomination to be valid, the candidate must complete the prescribed Nomination Papers. A complete form will:

  • be complete and in the prescribed form; and
  • be signed by at least 5 electors eligible to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election and be a resident of Three Hills on the date of signing.

All candidates are required to complete: 

Nomination papers must be submitted in person to the Returning Officer at the Town office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM).  

NEW! Notice of Intent to Run

Due to recent changes to the LAEA, unless a candidate has already submitted their nomination papers, a notice of Intent to Run must be filed with the Town prior to accepting or expending campaign funding.

Do You Understand the Position?

As a member of Council, you will have the opportunity to significantly influence the future of your community. All decisions must be made at meetings, held in public, at which a quorum is present. 

As an individual member of Council, you will not have the power to commit your municipality to any expenditure or to direct the activities of municipal employees. Any promise you make as part of your election campaign that involves municipal expenditures, or the activities of employees can only be carried out if a majority of Council votes in favor of the matter at a meeting.

The duties and responsibilities of councillors are outlined in Sections 152 to 156 of the Municipal Government Act. In general, members of Council are expected to participate in setting policies and governance planning for the municipality.

Understanding Responsibilities of the Position (Time Commitment)

Becoming a member of Council is a challenging and rewarding experience. As an elected official, you will have the opportunity to influence the future of your community. You will be expected to represent our community and act on its behalf.

As a member of Council, there will be demands on your time, energy, and commitment. In addition to regular meetings, you will be required to attend special meetings, committee and board meetings, and various public meetings and functions.

If elected as a member of Council, you will be expected to serve a four (4) year term. Your term of office begins at the first meeting of the Council following the general election. During the four-year term, you will be expected to attend:

  • Regular Meetings of Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings which are typically held on Mondays commencing at 5:30 PM. You will be required to prepare for these meetings by reviewing an agenda that will be provided to you prior to the meeting; 
  • Special Meetings of Council that may be called from time to time to deal with time-sensitive matters;
  • Meetings of other boards, commissions, and committees to which you are appointed as the Town's representative;
  • Conferences, conventions, seminars, and workshops;
  • Social and other events promoting the Town; and
  • Strategic planning sessions and budget discussion sessions.

The Town is a member of both the Alberta Municipalities Association (AB Munis) and the Rural Municipalities Association (RMA) organizations. Both organizations hold annual conferences which members of Council will be expected to attend. The Town is also a member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), which the Mayor and two Councillors are expected to attend in early June.

In addition to attending the above, members of Council will be required to spend adequate time reviewing materials provided to them by Administration to adequately prepare for meetings in order to make informed decisions.

Candidate Registry

The following people have given notice that they intend to run as a Candidate in the 2025 Municipal Election:

Name of Candidate
Candidate Position (Mayor or Councillor)
Date Filed

There are no candidates at this time, please check at a later date, candidate info will be added as nomination packages are received.

*Note: The records location address is the place or places where records of the individual are maintained and of the place to which communications may be addressed. Location is not published if it's a personal address. 

Legislation - Acts

Any person wanting a complete copy of these Acts or any other piece of legislation should contact:
Alberta King’s Printer
10611 – 98 Avenue; 5th Floor Park Plaza
Edmonton AB T5K 2P7
(780) 427-4952